

















1. 搜索引擎:通过百度、搜狗等搜索引擎,输入“重庆茶约奶茶店电话”,即可快速找到相关电话信息。

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3. 生活服务平台:如大众点评、美团等生活服务平台,用户可以在店铺页面查看联系方式。


1. 门店咨询:直接前往重庆茶约奶茶店,向店员询问电话号码。

2. 周边商家:在重庆茶约奶茶店周边的商家处询问,他们可能知道该店电话。


1. 百度地图:在百度地图中搜索“重庆茶约奶茶店”,进入店铺详情页,即可查看联系电话。

桑拿2. 高德地图:同样在地图软件中搜索“重庆茶约奶茶店”,查看店铺详情页,获取电话号码。

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2. 口碑推荐:向亲朋好友、同事等推荐重庆茶约奶茶店,让他们帮忙询问电话。








1. 民族风情


2. 品种丰富


3. 环境优雅



1. 草药熏蒸


2. 蒸汽桑拿


3. 盐浴桑拿


4. 品茶休闲







1. 地理环境:重庆地处长江、嘉陵江、乌江三江交汇处,四面环山,形成了“山城”的地貌。这种特殊的地理环境使得重庆夏季气温高,湿度大,形成了独特的桑拿天气。

2. 气候特点:重庆属于亚热带湿润季风气候,夏季气温高达35℃以上,湿度在80%以上。高温、高湿的气候条件使得空气中的水汽含量增加,导致人体出汗后难以蒸发,从而产生强烈的闷热感。

3. 城市热岛效应:随着城市化进程的加快,重庆市区建筑物密集,绿化覆盖率较低,导致城市热岛效应明显。城市热岛效应使得市区气温比郊区高出3-5℃,进一步加剧了桑拿天气的炎热程度。


1. 高温:山城桑拿天气的特点之一就是高温。夏季,重庆市区气温常常超过35℃,个别年份甚至超过40℃。

2. 高湿:与高温相伴的是高湿,空气中的湿度常常在80%以上,人体出汗后难以蒸发,使得闷热感更加明显。

3. 雾气弥漫:山城特有的雾气在桑拿天气中更加明显,雾气弥漫的景象使得人们仿佛置身于蒸笼之中。

4. 空气质量下降:桑拿天气期间,空气中的污染物不易扩散,导致空气质量下降,对人体健康造成一定影响。


1. 人体健康:桑拿天气使得人体出汗增多,容易出现中暑、脱水等健康问题。此外,高湿环境还可能导致皮肤病、关节炎等疾病。

2. 交通运输:桑拿天气使得路面湿滑,容易引发交通事故。同时,高温、高湿的气候条件使得车辆性能下降,影响交通运输效率。

3. 电力供应:桑拿天气期间,空调、风扇等用电设备需求增加,可能导致电力供应紧张。

4. 农业生产:桑拿天气对农业生产造成一定影响,高温、高湿的环境可能导致农作物生长不良,甚至减产。


1. 注意防晒:外出时涂抹防晒霜,佩戴遮阳帽、太阳镜等防护用品。

2. 补充水分:多喝水,保持身体水分平衡。

3. 合理调整作息:避免在高温时段外出,选择在早晚气温较低时进行户外活动。

4. 加强绿化:增加城市绿化面积,提高城市绿化覆盖率。

5. 节能减排:减少空调、风扇等用电设备的过度使用,降低能源消耗。


It is not convenient for him to report in person.

On the one hand, Jiangcheng Skynet executives may not believe him.
After all, it takes a price to verify the authenticity of information. If it drags on for a few days, the information may be inaccurate.
On the other hand, Hang Yu doesn’t want to attract too much attention from Skynet executives.
This will bring some unnecessary troubles to Hang Yu.
It will be much easier to have teacher Su’s connections and Su Zheng’s knowledge of how to recite the spirit.
"I have two conditions," said Hang Yukou. "First, I can’t reveal my identity, and second, I can’t expose this fisherman."
Su Yunbing has no reason to refuse.
It’s not difficult for her, and it’s also a lie.
"The first condition of your personality can be understood in the second one … Do you have any follow-up plans?"
We got the information
There is nothing for this fisherman!
If Hang Yu chooses to hand it over or sell it directly, he will certainly get more benefits.
Hang Yu is not going to hand it over.
Said he had bigger plans.
Hang Yu nodded. "I want to talk to Teacher Su, which is our focus."
"We have got a heavyweight intelligence. Isn’t that what you want?"
"A little information doesn’t mean that anyone should have a dream," Hang Yu said to Su Yunbing. "Maybe we can control an entire force of fish terrans through this breakthrough of advanced fish people."
This time even Su Yunbing was surprised.
didn’t expect
This little ambition and appetite are so big!
Su Yunbing thought for a moment and then said, "Do you want to manipulate a group of inferior fishermen through Sharu, a fisherman, and then take the opportunity to strengthen your power in this race? But to do this step is to let Shah Rukh be a complete minister. Why should we accept him completely? "
Charm skills are time-sensitive.
The enchanted object can’t leave his field of vision.
With these limitations, it is impossible to have complete control.
Hang Yu smiled.
"Teacher Su seems to have not found out how terrible his ability is for the time being. Information like this is to be collected. Since it is Teacher Su, I will give it to you."
"If a goal is constantly repeated in the normal state of charm, the degree of charm will gradually deepen in the process, and changing its thinking mode from the root can establish permanent charm."
Of course, this process needs to consume a lot of energy, resources and precious time, but I think it is worthwhile to pay some price if you can get the long-term loyalty of a senior fisherman.
Su Yunbing, Lin Lan and Cao Rui were all frightened to disgrace.
Charming eyes, this innate skill, is very abnormal
I didn’t think there was such a terrible hiding method.
Is this true?
Hang Yu said he was sure.
Su Yunbing believes that the credibility is extremely high.
He has reason and no need to lie to himself.
"What conditions do you have?" Su Yunbing denied that Hang Yu would give himself such a big benefit for no reason.
Hang Yu said, "There are many long-term interest strategies involved here, and we will be more intimate and tacit in the future. I hope that Teacher Su can join the Qinglong Group to work together."
Cao Rui couldn’t help interrupting, "You are too small to want us all to hang out with you. How can Teacher Su be your hand?"
"It is definitely not an easy task for Hang Yu’s two teams to integrate together. Sometimes we can get along better by keeping some proper distance."
Lin Lan also spoke.
She doesn’t mind joining Hangyu.
But she knew that it was difficult to say that Su Yunbing had experienced some spiritual societies.
"You can’t say that if you mix with me, you can mix better. Then why not?" Hang Yu paused with a relaxed face and continued, "Of course, this discussion is a little sudden, but you can go back and discuss it without my personal urgency."
He added.
"At this stage, it is a very rare opportunity for the fish people to lose their power. We can immediately accept a group of fish people to work for us."
"So I will definitely try to collect him. Although it will save a lot of twists and turns and time with the help of Teacher Su, it does not mean that there is no other way."
What this means is that
Without your help
I have other options, too








1. 干蒸:干蒸桑拿通过高温蒸汽使人体毛孔扩张,促进血液循环,加速新陈代谢,具有很好的保健作用。同时,干蒸还能有效去除皮肤上的污垢,使皮肤更加光滑细腻。

2. 湿蒸:湿蒸桑拿在干蒸的基础上增加了水雾,使蒸汽更加柔和,降低了对皮肤的刺激。湿蒸有助于缓解肌肉酸痛,提高身体免疫力。

3. 玉石床:玉石床桑拿利用玉石的高温特性,使玉石床表面温度达到适宜人体温度,通过玉石的热能渗透到人体内部,达到活血化瘀、调节阴阳的作用。






Her hand has broken her leg bone, and her left leg has a cold sweat on her forehead due to severe pain. She sits cross-legged and remembers what Master taught her when she was in the mountains.

"I can’t learn the imperial sword by myself because I don’t have enough understanding and almost give up on myself," she thought. "In fact, I really listened to Master’s explanation? Master said that the word "lunar sword tactic" is the root and the sword tactic is just a side event, but I didn’t really want to understand what he meant. Master took me to watch the sunrise, and I was full of sword tactic. Master took me to sit in the waterfall and still had sword tactic in my mind. Master told me to stop practicing sword and look at the surrounding scenery, but he didn’t think my sword practice was good. Instead, he secretly went to practice sword when I was at rest. Master said that the imperial sword was not a gas imperial sword, but a heart imperial sword. How could I even get a sword? "
She put Jin guangjian in the sheath and crossed her leg, then took a deep breath and held her breath.
She just sat cross-legged, and the light outside turned from dim to dark.
Yang Jing Qi says Shen Yin Jing Qi says Ling. The so-called Taiyin means the ultimate Yin Qi of the mind. It is also called Youqi. Those who contain qi are also beautiful.
The red line will contain the gas in the body and think about it quietly. It will naturally expand the earth without her doing any more scenery. The land in the hexagrams is Kun Kun, and because of the lunar shadow in the four elephants, the vagina is the tunnel
In fact, it is easy to go to extremes when the so-called Tao says that Yin and Yang are in harmony with each other and pay attention to Yin qi. However, the secret method of the imperial sword is to realize the balance between Yin and Yang by pursuing the "cathode". This way, the Jade King’s pulse is completely different, which can be said to be contrary to common sense, but it is his original secret method
If it is someone else, it is difficult to learn this way, but the red line is strong-willed, which makes it easier for her to achieve this "extreme" word. Once she holds her breath, she would rather die than take another breath to change her mind.
The monster is still outside the house, occasionally angry and desperately hitting the wooden wall.
However, snow suddenly floated in the sky.
Yin wins and frost and snow are born.
I don’t know what happened to the monster, but he became more and more agitated and kept yelling, but he couldn’t do anything about this wooden house
Snowflakes no longer hail, but they inexplicably fall and smash holes in the snow.
Yin is specialized, so it can melt hail.
Suddenly, a sword light flashed across the wooden house, which was split in half and then suddenly disappeared.
The monster saw the red line and was born now, no matter how much, and rushed at her fiercely.
Xue Honglian still cross legs sitting there motionless.
Jin Guangjian walked around her from its sheath and then struck the monster like a flash …
The wind soul looked at the distant vision in Xiangyun and breathed a sigh of relief with relief.
Sun En laughed. "It seems that you have a good talent as a female apprentice."
"hmm!" Wind soul nodded hard. "She looks very good."
"I mean, the talent is good, not the beauty is good." Sun En glanced at him and smiled again. "I think her understanding is much stronger than being a teacher like you."
The wind soul said, "Actually, I’m pretty … well, my talent is also very good."
Sun En shook his head and smiled.
Looking at her charming appearance, the wind soul thinks that you are also very beautiful.
He held the snake in his hand and asked, "Where should we throw it?"
The small snake head is covered with a steel ring.
This is the ice, fire, poisonous python. Sun En put her steel ring on its head, and it took another two hours to ban it and force its huge body to become this size
Sun En threw a bean and turned into a soldier in armor.
She asked the wind spirit to give the poisonous python to the conjured soldier.
"I’ll take it to the South China Sea," she said. "If no one breaks it and bans it, it won’t grow up and harm people, and it won’t suck more seawater in the South China Sea."
Wind soul nodded his head.
In this way, he won’t kill the "little snake" and it will harm the other side.
"Thank you, sister. I’m afraid I made a big mistake without you."
"I can’t catch it without your clever plan." Sun En smiled. "But since you call me sister, I don’t want to hide it from you. In fact, my name is not Sun En, but Sun Lingxiu Sun En, which is the pseudonym where I walk outside."
The wind soul knows that since she can calculate the origin of others by her name, she naturally doesn’t attach great importance to her own name and doesn’t disclose it to others easily. Now she tells herself that it means that she has great faith in him. The thought that Sun Lingxiu has trusted him so much, but he kept it from her that he is from the future, can’t help but feel guilty.
"Lingxiu elder sister I …"
Sun Lingxiu stretched out his hand to cover his mouth and said softly, "Everyone has his own secrets. It is not necessary to tell all the secrets to others to trust that person. It is enough for me to know that you are a person worthy of my trust. Even if you are like a brother and sister, you don’t need to know everything about each other."
He was moved by Sun Lingxiu’s hand and face, but laughed. "The name Sun Lingxiu is much better than Sun En. If others hear the name Sun En, it is still a man. Sister, why do you take such an ugly name?"
Sun Lingxiu gave him a charming look. "If I tell you my name is not Sun En, you can say that the name Sun En is ugly and the name Lingxiu is much better. If I tell you now that my name is actually Sun En, will you change it again?"
The wind soul nodded. "In fact, although the name Sun En is more masculine, it is very distinctive. Although the name Lingxiu is more suitable for women’s homes, it is too ordinary. I am afraid that there will be more than a dozen girls when I go to the road to call Lingxiu."
Sun Lingxiu had to say, "Your mouth is really poisonous. How can there be more than a dozen? Why don’t you give me a better name? "
Wind Soul almost shouted "Sun Wu"!
"The name Sun Lingxiu is quite true!" He smirked.
Two people holding hands are reluctant to part.
Just then, a huge monster with long horns and dark fur escaped desperately from the other side of the valley, spilling blood along the way. It staggered and fell on their feet, moaning, "Lulu … find … Lulu … find …"
Sun Lingxiu let Xiangyun drop her and gently move to the front of the monster, caressing its head. The monster’s head fell to the ground, and its original red eyes became dim, and its eyes were full of pleading colors.
The wind soul saw its wound and guessed that it was injured by the red line Jin Guangjian. "This should be the monster who often hurts people nearby. The beasts around here must have been doing good deeds."
Sun Lingxiu shook his head and said, "Because of the drought, there are not many wild animals around here. This monster is famous for eating iron ore in the mountains. It usually doesn’t hurt people. It is because there are ice, fire and poisonous pythons that give birth to fire in the stratum, and it is unbearable that it loses its sex."
The wind soul said, "but we can’t leave it here. If it stays nearby for a day, the creatures will be uneasy."
"That’s not bad," Sun Lingxiu said with a smile. "It can swallow iron ore and then discharge refined iron. That’s why I came here to find it. Fortunately, your beautiful female apprentice Jian Yan didn’t kill it, otherwise I would be really difficult."
The original red line of the wind and soul will never save this monster’s life since it has been practiced in royal swordsmanship. I didn’t expect her to kill it without a sword.
Sun Lingxiu touched her iron head. "If you stay here, you will die sooner or later. Why don’t you go to the South China Sea with me?"
Yi iron sad blare nodded at two o’ clock.
"I’ll give you a name first." Sun Lingxiu’s fingers and cheeks thought for a moment. "Lu Xun … Lu Xun … Well, you might as well call Lu Xun. Lu Xun is similar to Lu Xun, so you can call yourself by your first name."
She turned to look at the wind soul. "How much did you give to those two little foxes?"
The wind soul didn’t hesitate to take out the medicine bag and take out a dozen pills to give to her, but Sun Lingxiu smiled and took one and threw it into the iron mouth.
The iron body sword wound soon disappeared. It became a fine monster, and its nature was actually very gentle. It was induced by the fire in the ground that made it violent. Now, she was dying with Xue Honglian’s sword, but she recovered from the elixir. Knowing that Sun Lingxiu saved it, she fell in front of her and sent her.
She floated to the iron, and Lu Xun turned her back to the wind soul and said, "Now that this matter has been completed, I should leave again, so I don’t know when it will be."

"At this moment, this piece of red sea belongs to me alone." Golden sparrow thought proudly in backstroke in the water.

The Red Sea is unusually broad for two people, but it seems that there has been a slight change. In the conscious lethargy in the water, Hu Tian and Jin Queer walked on the backstroke so unexpectedly … bumped into each other.
Dong, a light ring, golden sparrow can’t help but hold her head and sink to the bottom.
"I seem to have hit something just now?" In doubt, she stretched out her hand and touched it.
The visibility of the Red Sea is extremely low, and the golden sparrow is just a monk during the practice period. To put it mildly, he is a mortal.
She touched a foreign body.
More confused
"It seems like a mass of aquatic plants and some prick the hand? What is this? "
She felt that she had touched a particularly round aquatic plant, so soft that she wanted people to have the urge to pinch it.
She gave it a pinch.
Another tug.
Of course, no one can drag it.
On the contrary, aquatic plants have a qualitative change trend. One second, the waves hit Hu Tian’s body and then hit Jin Queer’s arms.
"Ah!" Golden finch screamed with fear.
Knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock.
"Is it … Grace?" Just a moment ago, Golden Chelsea happened to see Hu-day’s face. Although it was a glimpse, Hu-day’s face had already been engraved in Golden Chelsea’s heart.
Can’t be wrong!
It’s Eun Gong!
For a moment, the girl’s heart was like a rabbit jumping around her head wildly, and she felt dizzy the first time she swam in the water.
"What’s the matter with the male? !” Immediately, Golden Sparrow realized that it was wrong and immediately hugged Hu-day’s body and swam ashore. She carefully placed Hu-day on a gentle and smooth rock wall, and stretched out a pair of small hands to stick to Hu-day’s chest, and injected the body-repaired monarch’s sword force into it to heal Hu-day.
Hu-day wasn’t really hurt, but he was exhausted and passed out.
Mainly just bumped for a while in the long river of fate, the consumption consciousness was very serious, and then barely made the method of avatar really tired.
However, when the repair force of the golden sparrow’s palm sword was input into Hu Tian, Hu Tian woke up instantly, and there was not much real force left. When the golden sparrow was shocked, it was immediately reversed by five or six steps.
Binocular opposition
It seemed to freeze when it happened.
Golden sparrow slightly open mouth expression consternation wet hairline thick water flowing along the elegant neck small and exquisite clavicle.
Then, in the chest, he bypassed two buds and went into the secret garden along the flat abdomen.
Then it flows to the ground along the thighs, calves and delicate ankles of silk, forming two small water stains on both feet.
"Still a little girl ….." Hu-day was shocked to know that the sea was rolling in his eyes with slight emotion in his heart! He has been in this world for more than ten years!
What do you mean by soft blood? What is youthful blood?
Hu Tian is!
Can he not be shocked to see such beauty when he suddenly blinks? No matter how strong the heart is, he is still human!
A firm mind is a true mind, unshakable and never weakened.
No, other things!
But now Hu Tianjin’s sparrow has shown a certain strength when he meets naked!
It’s amazing to be strong!
His eyes are not red, his face is as calm as usual, and even if his nose is not bleeding, his limbs have not undergone severe deformation.
For the first time, he felt more gratified than knowing that the five heads of sexy devil in the sea, especially the eyes, sexy devil, nose and sexy devil, swelled violently! It seems that a huge balloon is inflated and inflated.
In just a moment, sexy devil at both ends grew faster than absorbing magic.
The deeper the stimulus, the greater the desire, and the faster sexy devil will grow. In the sea of Hu Tian, the two heads of sexy devil have grown several times in a blink of an eye.
Section 3 Lock phlogistic Dan Lianteng
"I didn’t think you were here" Hu-day expression lightly mouth way

"He has a lot of real estate in Lin ‘an House, and I don’t know where he will live, but I once saw him in a luxury villa by the West Lake." Lin Yang asked Mike about the specific address of this villa.

Lin Yang immediately called Zhan Zhao out and ordered "Exhibition escort you to investigate the details of Gengxin" and "Yes". Zhan Zhao leaned down and said that he disappeared from the villa in a flash.
"Another ghost" Mike screamed. At this moment, like his companions, he also regarded Lin Yang as an evil sorcerer, because there are evil sorcerers who have the ability to manipulate ghosts.
"Liu Xuejie aftermath to you" Lin Yang ignored mike turned and walked to the antique room will be put in the safe, priceless antiques to put into the yushan.
These things can be called national treasures. If they are sold abroad, the losses will be considerable.
After all this, Lin Yang strode out of the villa without looking back. Behind him, Mike looked horrified and suddenly appeared in front of his face. Liu Xiying trembled and said, "Don’t eat me. My meat is sour and not delicious … Meowed, don’t eat me …"
"What are you crying about? Don’t you feel ashamed that a man is scared to cry by a beautiful girl like me? Alas, what is this situation? Did you pee your pants? You actually peed your pants. "Liu Xiying pointed to the wet mark in Mike’s crotch and burst out laughing.
"It’s nothing to be ashamed of being scared by ghosts …" Mike was afraid and ashamed to comfort himself in his heart.
After laughing, Liu Xiying didn’t wave again, and the horse used ecstasy to change Mike’s memory.
After Mike lived in this villa, Lin Yang stopped a taxi and went straight to the West Lake.
At night, the West Lake has a charming style and charm in the bright moonlight. Lin Yang strolled around the lake for a while, seemingly taking a walk, but actually observing the villa that Mike said.
"Treasure land of geomantic omen ….." After a circle of shopping, Lin Yang didn’t find out that the villa was located in an excellent geomantic omen. He didn’t try so hard to break in, but found a hotel nearby and waited until the results of the Zhan Zhao survey.
At one o’clock in the morning, Lin Yang was sitting cross-legged in the hotel bed practicing the "Dongyue Yellow Sutra", and a collision of soul force and aura suddenly caught his attention.
Lin Yang jumped out of bed with his eyes open and strode to the window, lifted the curtain and looked out. "There are practitioners in Lin ‘an House, and at least one of them is soul cultivation."
Although he really wanted to go sightseeing, he also knew that once he was discovered by both sides, the consequences would be very serious. Just when he hesitated, Zhan Zhao returned to him and brought the information he had investigated. "Master, I have found out that this guy named Geng Xin is not an ordinary person. He is the younger brother of the Destiny Sect, who is also sitting in Lin’ an House to collect money for the Destiny Sect. This time, he took the jade Jue and the bronze dagger and wanted to give it to the Destiny Sect in exchange for some benefits .. Oh, by the way, I was given away by us before the investigation.
"Destiny? It’s a long way to go. "Lin Yang snorted. At the beginning, he heard Lv Wenqi say that there was a destiny in attacking several sects in Ghost Deep, but Lin Yang also knew that he was now able to deal with one or two destiny practitioners. Maybe it was no problem, but it was still impossible to fight against the whole destiny enemy. Even if it was a narrow way to go, he could bear it temporarily.
"Exhibition Guard, did you find out where Geng Xin put the jade Jue and the bronze dagger?"
If you can’t avenge the fate of Zongmingyuan, then taking away the jade Jue and the bronze dagger will make them sick and weaken their strength.
Zhan Zhao replied, "Yes, it’s in the villa by the West Lake, but there are not only a magic circle but also a lot of machines in the villa, and it’s difficult to take the jade Jue and the bronze dagger with the master of destiny sitting in it."
Even Zhan Zhao said it’s hard to know how difficult it is. What should I do?
Lin Yang lost in thought.
Chapter 659 Move is a woman? !
"Master, I have a law."
Just when Lin Yang was puzzled, he was naked, with a hammer in one hand and iron tongs in the other. Tang Long came out from Yushan and said
"Do you have any good methods?" Lin Yang startled one leng.
Although Tang Long’s strength has reached the ghost king’s territory, it is the early stage of the ghost king’s territory. The fighting capacity is much worse than that of Li Zicheng and San Francisco, and there is no way for Zhan Zhao to break into the villa with jade Jue and copper dagger. Lin Yang really has some doubts about whether the Tang Long method can work.
Tang Long is confident and cheerfully said, "Master, since the villa is tightly defended, it is difficult to break into it. Why not change a method? For example, sneak in quietly and steal jade Jue and bronze dagger without anyone knowing. "
Zhan Zhao said with a wry smile, "If that villa was easy to sneak into, I would have already gone in, but its defense alert level is too high. In my opinion, I’m afraid it’s really impossible for even flies to fly in."
"Even if flies can’t fly in, there is definitely one person who can sneak in quietly." Tang Long is still full of confidence
"who?" Lin Yang and Zhan Zhao asked with different mouths that they were very curious about what Tang Long said about this man.
Tang Long walked over and said, "One of my good brothers in the Jianghu called drum fleas moving."
"Move? It turned out to be him "Lin Yang first one leng and then suddenly nodded" if it is he, maybe he can really sneak into the villa full of magic circle and machines and have a master in it? "
In the Hundred Stars of the Water Margin, the thief moved, just like Tang Long, and his kung fu on the fist and fist gun stick may not be too high, but he has an extraordinary lightness skill, which makes it easy for him to climb the house. The story of stealing Yanling armor in the Water Margin is even more moving! The description of the thief’s face collar is vivid now. Later, he was given a gift by thieves. Even in some temples, he also made statues that moved from time to time and was given up by later generations as a gentry and bodhisattva.
Of course, when he moved, he didn’t really become a bodhisattva, but someone built a temple for his statue and burned incense and wax day and night to worship him, which enriched his soul, even more than many heroes ranked in his own water margin.
"When moved in Lin ‘an?" Zhan Zhao asked.
Although he didn’t move when he was alive, and there was no Liangshan in Shui Bo, he didn’t go to the underworld after his death, but stayed in the Water Margin, where he was a hero. He also knew better, and he was always interested in thieves and rats.
Tang Long nodded and replied, "Yes, not only did my other brothers move to Lin ‘an, but I still have some confidence in moving to the master, and the other brothers said that there was no way to rely on me to say that they had to ask the master to do it himself."
It turned out that when he moved, he died suddenly after winning the attack on Fang La. After his death, his soul stayed in Lin ‘an House and got together with several other heroes who also died in Lin ‘an House.
"Who else is in this Lin ‘an mansion besides moving?" Lin Yang quickly asked him that he expected to be able to collect a few more heroes of the water margin besides moving, so that after all, a bloody moonlit night is coming, one more soul will give him more strength.
"Zhang Shun monk Lu Zhishen and walker Wu Song Bao Tou Lin Chong Zhang Shun died in Yongjinmen, while Wu Song, Lin Chong and Lu Zhishen were in Pagoda of Six Harmonies." Tang Long replied that he knew a lot about his brothers.
Lin Yang said after considering it for a while, "Take me to find Shifan first, and then we will visit Lu Da, Wu Song and coach Lin after the jade Jue and the bronze dagger are stolen."
Lu Zhishen, Wu Song and Lin Chong stayed in Pagoda of Six Harmonies for nearly a thousand years and went to see them a day or two later. But jade Jue and bronze dagger are different. They were temporarily put in Grandpa Geng’s villa, and I believe that they will be sent to Destiny in the near future. Even if they sometimes move to help, they can’t steal these two treasures.
"Good" Tang Long nodded and looked at the night outside the window and said with a smile, "This time is just the time to move. Let’s go to other places to arrest him."
Although Tang Long spent most of his life in Qinchuan Province after his death, he still came back to Lin ‘an House from time to time to get together with his good brothers. He knew the time and place of the relocation class very well.
Lin Yang, who was led by Tang Long, soon came to a high-grade villa area in Lin ‘an House and waited for about ten minutes. A figure quickly crossed the wall from the villa area and was four meters high. The wall was covered with barbed wire, so he could not stop this person. He reflected in the dim street lamp like a goshawk flying with wings.
Obviously, this person is moving.
Lin Yang was startled. Although he guessed that Shifan was stealing, he never thought that Shifan was not a ghost to steal, but showed his figure so that ordinary people could see him. Lin Yang also saw that Shifan did not avoid the surveillance camera, but deliberately made a victory gesture at the surveillance camera.
It seems that this thief ancestor is really full of confidence in his technology, otherwise he wouldn’t be so bold.
Lin Yangchong Tang Long made a gesture to let him go back to Yushan first. He strode to the side of Shifan by himself and grabbed Shifan’s hand and shouted, "You made a mistake. Come with me."
A moment ago, he was so proud that he was shocked by this sudden change. He never seemed to think that he would be caught by someone. It took him a few seconds to react, trying to get rid of Lin Yang’s hand and screaming, "Who are you?" What did I do? Me? Don’t talk nonsense. I’ll sue you for slander. "
Through the dim street light, Lin Yang saw clearly the appearance of moving and couldn’t help being one leng.
Because it’s a woman’s face and a woman with a certain beauty.
When the drum flea moved, it turned out to be a woman
This ….. What is this situation?
What’s wrong?
Chapter 66 Sexy girl? Middle-aged wretched man!
While Lin Yang was stupidly at the moment, his arm suddenly shrank and the transient became smaller, and then he shook and swayed like a slippery snake and broke free from Lin Yang, and then he turned and strode away without saying anything.
At the key moment, Tang Long hurried out from Yushan to save the scene. "When the brothers moved, they didn’t want to run to my master. It was just a joke with you."
"Huh?" Go to rush when moving heard the familiar sound was one leng, he turned around and saw beside Lin Yang Tang Long suddenly stopped and cried with joy "Tang Long brothers? It’s you. Hey, you really scared me. I told you, how could anyone notice my thief? "This guy is really not ashamed to brag about himself.